Kevin Rose of Digg.com – The Most Aspiring Entrepreneur
Kevin Rose (Born in 1977) is the American Internet Entrepreneur and the Co-Founder of the world famous Social Bookmarking website Digg.com. Kevin is known for his Internet Start-ups. He is also the Co-funder of various other Internet start-ups like Revision3, Pownce and WeFollow.
When Rose was starting Digg, he invested $6000 into the site, which was supposed to be for a deposit on a house for him and his girlfriend. As a result of this, their relationship broke down……And After that Rose has Made a Fortune…!!!
,Rose had gambled on his idea to change newsgathering, letting the masses "dig up" the most interesting stories on the Web and vote them onto his online "front page" on Digg.com. Rose had given every last piece of himself to the project -- all his time, all his cash, and even his girlfriend, who fought with him after he poured his savings into Digg instead of a down payment on a house.
This shows that you should never GIVE UP. If you really want to make any business success than you will have to give lots of commitments and sacrifices. After all a Successful Business demands lots of commitments from you. When the people of the same age group of Kevin were enjoying their lives and wasting their time behind watching movies, partying with friends and going for long drives, Kevin was building his fortune.
And today Kevin is much more richer and financially free than others of his same age group and now onwards he can enjoy his rest of life without working hard. This is because people will never stop using Digg and he will never stop making money from his Web Business.
You should save and invest the time of your early life (Twenties and if possible teen age) to build a successful Business. What most of the people do is, they argue that but this age is for enjoyment. And they waste all of their young age for enjoyment and after that run to make money in their thirties. This should not be happen with you.
Invest your teen age and twenties wisely to develop your own business and enjoy the rest of your life from the passive income of your business…!!!
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