The first online free classified ads website in Bangladesh, Cellbazaar.com, has officially re-identified itself as “Ekhanei.com”.This announcement was made at a press conference in Dhaka today by Arild Klokkerhaug, director of Ekhanei.com.Cellbazaar.com started eight years ago in 2006, and is now known as Ekhanei.com, it continues with the most experienced team and trusted service for classified ads. Arild Klokkerhaug stated: “We just crossed the impressive number of 10 lac likes on our facebook page. As Internet spreads to the most remote corners of Bangladesh, we decided to change our name to a truly local, Bangla name which is more relevant. It is completely free to post an ad on Ekhanei.com, and we want to tell people that wherever you are in Bangladesh, we are right here – Ekhanei!”The new kite logo is one of the several improvements to the outlookof this online platform. The first change customers will see is a cleaner looking homepage that encourages them to select their home location. This is done becausebuying and selling goods between consumers is very dependent on nearness. The new homepage also includes the seven most popular categories of the site, allowing customers to more conveniently access the most wanted types of items.While earlier, mainly cars, properties and electronics were bought and sold through this online classified website, mainly by men. However, the recent trends show that more women also use the site to buy and sell furniture, home appliances, sport gears and lifestyle products.All features and services on Ekhanei.com are now available in both Bangla and English over web and mobile, with an easy tab option to switch between the two languages. Users can avail the services of this online classified website throughout the country. Every ad and every user profile is just how it was on Cellbazaar.com, so the change will only positively affect all users.Ekhanei.com is owned by SnT, which is jointly owned by the Norwegian companies Schibsted and Telenor. Schibsted is a global giant in media and classified ads operating in about 35 countries across the globe since 2001, and Telenor is a global giant in mobile telephony.  The team around Ekhanei.com benefits from the best local and global experience and expertise to build lifestyle improving services.To ensure that fraud and trade of stolen goods does not happen on our site, Ekhanei.com uses advanced software to auto-detect potential fraud. More importantly, it has the most experienced team of specially trained moderators, who check every submitted ad very carefully against many criteria and reject every ad that seems suspicious.
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