For a long period of time, I am thinking of providing medical support for those people who can not afford. There are a lot of people who can not checkup due to financial crisis. As a result a little problem is becoming big and goes beyond his capacity as well as the problem is transforming more difficulties . For example, we have a part time maiden servant who can not walk properly. She got hart in her leg and she can not check up or  x-ray her leg due to lack of money. Now she is facing more problems. I felt sympathy for her and gave her financial support to x-ray. Now she is taking medical aid , but it is not enough. A lot of  cases like this are in the society. For one person it is not possible to solve this problem. But a combined efforts can solve a portion of this big problem. We need unity to serve the society.The purpose of writing this article is to find out the feed back of you.I think an one hour support of you can solve a big problems which is facing a lot of people every day. They can not enjoy the world. They feel that the world is cruel.  Your little contribution is big support of them. Every day we spent some our time without making any positive think. We can support them with expertise, time, money, direction. etc. If you think that the initiative is effective, then give me support via suggestion regarding the name of the job, procedure, technique, marketing plan, etc...

I think you will not reject the golden future of the helpless people.
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