
1. Startup.com
This 2001 documentary follows the rise and fall of a promising startup called GoveWorks.com. Despite a lot of buzz and funding for the company, the founders must deal with in-house bickering and getting too inflated too fast. Why watch it? There are many takeaways from this documentary. For starters, it illustrates just how detrimental it can be when partners aren’t on the same page. Another lesson learned is how to properly manage a budget after you’ve secured funding.

 2. Flash of Genius
Greg Kinnear portrays Bob Kearns, the inventor if intermittent windshield wipers. Despite the Detroit automakers embracing the idea, Kearns nevers receives credit. The rest of the film chronicles his battle against these corporate heavyweights. Why watch it? Having an important idea that can enhance the lives of others, which Kearns accomplished, is important enough where it’s not just about receiving fame and fortune, it’s also important to remember to protect your idea and intellectual property.

 3. Gosford Park
 Robert Altman’s 2001 murder mystery may not some like an obvious choice, but it’s an extremely entertaining film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. But, most importantly… Why watch it? Making people happy, like having outstanding customer service, is a crucial part of any business. Helen Mirren’s Mr.s Wilson states this perfectly: “What gift do you think a good servant has that separates them from the others? Its the gift of anticipation. And I’m a good servant; I’m better than good, I’m the best; I’m the perfect servant. I know when they’ll be hungry, and the food is ready. I know when they’ll be tired, and the bed is turned down. I know it before they know it themselves.”

4. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing
 PBS released this documentary shortly after the passing of Steve Jobs in 2011. It captures both the highs and lows of one of the most influential entrepreneurs ever. Why watch it? You can never learn enough from the life and career of Steve Jobs.

 5. The Godfather
Here’s another film that everyone should view at least once. Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 masterpiece is arguably one of the greatest films in cinema history. Why watch it? For a moment, forget the fact that this is a movie about organized crime. Instead, learn how Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) took a small family business and transformed it into one of the most powerful and influential families in the country. The Godfather perfectly illustrates what it take to get the top, and how to remain there.

6. Risky Business
 In 1983, Tom Cruise became a pop-culture icon after sliding across the floor in a pair of socks and button-down shirt. While he’s a good time enjoying the place to himself (literally), things get out of hand after he wrecks his father’s Porsche. Why watch it? Cruise’s character Joel has to think quickly on how to raise some cash to fix the car. Sometimes the best ideas are formed when we’re desperate.

 7. Beer Wars
This 2009 documentary follows a group of friends trying to take on the major breweries by launching their own craft beer company. Why watch it? It’s challenging to succeed when jumping into an established market. However, educating your audience on how much better your product is than the competition is a valuable lesson we learned from Beer Wars.

 8. Up in the Air
Both George Clooney and Anna Kendrick were phenomenal in 2009’s Up in the Air. The film focuses on Ryan Bingham, who is hired to travel across the country and lay people off. Kendrick plays Natalie Keener, the nob who is trying to change this tactic through technology. Why watch it? Clooney’s character is not only efficient, he is also driven by a goal that doesn’t involve giving people the axe. However, the main lesson from Up in the Air is that sometimes it’s best to understand a business model before tinkering with it, which is what Kendrick’s character discovers.

 9. Session 9
 In this 2001 horror/mystery, an entrepreneur in the asbestos removing business takes a questionable job in an abandoned mental hospital. And, this is where the crew, led by Phil (David Caruso) run into some chilling and frightening events. Why watch it? Sometimes, even if the money is good, you just can’t accept certain offers.

 10. Call of the Entrepreneur
This inspiring 2007 documentary follows three driver men; a merchant banker, a failing dairy farmer and a refugee from Communist China. Why watch it? It doesn’t get any more uplifting than watching these three different men from different parts of the world risk everything to follow their dreams. If they can do it, why can’t you?

 11. Cocktail
 We know. Another Tom Cruise flick! But, what can we say? This is a guilty pleasure from 1988 that follows young Brian Flanagan and his journey in opening up his very own bar – despite all the bumps in the road. Why watch it? For starters, it’s just fun. But, as an entrepreneur there’s a lot to love about Cocktail. For starters, Flanagan tries to go by the books, taking business classes and reading guides on how-to-start a successful business. But the real lessons that he learns is from actually getting behind the bar and learning what customers and how to become the best bartender in town. He also has a mentor who isn’t afraid to show Flanagan the tricks of the trade, as well as how cutthroat the real world can be.

12. October Sky
Homer Hickman, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and his friends are inspired to start building their own rockets after the successful launch of Sputnik. Unfortunately, they don’t have the support of their hometown since it’s expected of the young men to become coalminers. With passion and the assistance of a teacher (Laura Dern) they reach for the stars. Why watch it? Always chase your dreams, no matter what you’re destined for. And, you can never go wrong with a mentor you can help you give you that little push.

 13. Tommy Boy
 After losing his father, Tommy Callahan (Chris Farley) and a reluctant employee (David Spade) set out on a road trip to save the family business. Of course, hijinks ensue, but there’s a lot of inspiration in Tommy Boy as well. Why watch it? Tommy never gives up, no matter how difficult times get. Even when all hope seems gone, he discovers his inner salesman and figures out how to save the day. You’ll find that being an Entrepreneur you’ll want to give up all the time.  Don’t do it.  Keep going!

14. Something Ventured
Something Ventured is a 2011 documentary that is from the perspective of Silicon Valley venture capitalist. Why watch it? Understanding the thought-process of VC’s can be a useful card-up-your-sleeve when searching for funding.

15. Boiler Room

You could say that this is an updated version of Wall Street, meaning that it shows the extremes people will go to to make a fortune – especially when it comes to the stock market. By the end of the film, however Seth Davis (Giovanni Ribisi) discovers that making a fortune at the expense of other’s hard-earned money is no way to live life. Why watch it? Again, money isn’t the only thing in life, and Boiler Room proves that succeeding financially isn’t the end-all-be-all. However, Boiler Room also shows how you can unleash your inner salesperson when your driver by a goal. And, the film also displays how powerful a passionate leader can be, just watch Ben Affleck round-up the troops (warning NSFW). 
Online Jobs in Bangladesh for Students
Internet has changed the capitalism of the world. Now, because of the internet, you can work online even while you studying in your college.
Well, Yes. No matter in which part of Bangladesh you are studying but you can do a job online while taking the college education and generate a part time income.
There are several kinds of online jobs available in Bangladesh. The main advantage of the online jobs is that, you can work from anywhere in the world for anyone around the world.
There are several varieties of Online jobs available such as freelancing work, data entry jobs, content writing jobs, forum monitoring and many other types of jobs.
If you have some specialized skill such as programming and web designing than the sky is the limit for you. Websites like Freelance.com and Elance.com can provide you excellent work opportunities.
In fact, many smart students in Bangladesh do the part time jobs and earn good amount of money every month from which they can easily cop-up their expenses.
Just think that you don’t have to depend on your parents’ pocket money in your college life.
However, keep in mind that there are several online jobs frauds also in Bangladesh so beware of them. If somebody asks you for money to give you an online job than simply it’s a fraud and don’t participate in it or give your money.
This is because an employer can never ask you for money to give you a job. Many people are cheated by such kind of online frauds.
But well, there are reputed websites also where you can find a good online work such as Elance.com and Freelancer.com.
So what are you waiting for? Start your own online job right now while studying and make some extra money.

How to Make Money in Bangladesh 
Since I have started a personal finance blog, people are asking me this question. In fact, I receive this query several times a week from readers across the entire Bangladesh.
In this article, I will show you the various ways to make money in Bangladesh. You can classify money making idea into various types. I have personally made two classifications of ways to make money in Bangladesh.
Classification: 1 Make money in Bangladesh
01) Online money making ideas
02) Offline money making ideas
Classification: 2 Make money in Bangladesh
01) Ways to work hard to earn money
a) Employment (Job Income / Salary / Paycheck)
b) Self-employment (Doctors, lawyers or any other profession)
02) Ways to make your money work for you to generate more money
a) Businesses
b) Investments
I personally prefer the second classification. This is because it is broad and can apply for both the online and offline world.
In fact, the second classification is the broad classification and we can see all the 4 types of people in our economy. Nothing is good or bad. You will have to find out that by which way you want to make money?
First is the ways to make money by working hard – Employment and Self-employment. I mean the first and commonest way of making money online or offline is, you either find a job and work for someone else and earn paycheck or you become some kind of expert (Doctor, lawyer, freelance writer, actor, website designer, artist..etc..) and start providing some kind of service and earn money by becoming a professional person.
The only problem with making money like this is, the tax laws don’t favour employees and self-employees. You will have to pay big amount of tax every year (As high as 35%) to the government.
Second is the ways to make money by making your money work hard for you – Business & Investments. Here you invest your money and people work for you in that business and earn more money. I personally like this way of making money. You can invest your money in assets like Businesses, gold, stocks, mutual funds, art, bonds, web properties, intellectual properties and many other assets.
The main advantage of this way is that, the tax laws favour this group of people. Investors and Business owners of any country pay the least tax while employees and self-employees pay the highest taxes. This way also applies in the online world also.
Means in the online world also you can either start your online business or do the online investments in the web properties like domain names, websites and blogs.
Starting your own business in the online and offline world is risky but well, its worth it. Because once your business will developed, it will run and grow even without your presence. So the above are the all the possible ways to make money in Bangladesh. Now, you have to chose that by which way you want to make money?

Beauty and Healthcare Business Ideas Bangladesh
There is a huge business opportunity in Beauty and Healthcare field in Bangladesh. This is because day by day people are becoming more and more beauty and health conscious in Bangladesh.
There are several types of businesses that you can start in this space starting from Ayurvedic Massage to multispecialty hospital.
The possibilities are endless. If you want to start your own business in Beauty and Healthcare sector of Bangladesh than first of all identify and analyze the need of your target market.
The first step is to identify needs of people. Here are the few beauty and health care needs of people.
- Weight Loss
- Acne
- Fitness
- Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis
- Cosmetic
- Pregnancy and Child Birth
The above are just the few examples of needs. There are literally hundreds of needs in this niche. Now, chose one need. Just ask yourself that which is the need that you can fulfill very well and effectively?
And Start a Business to fulfill that need of your market.
Find out your cutting edge. I mean find out that which is your strongest point that can fulfill this need of the market very effectively? And work on your that strength.
Say For Example, if you are a Massage expert than start your own Spa or Massage center. If you are a fitness trainer then start your own health club. If you are a doctor then start your own specialty clinic.
The key is to identify the need of your market and reach to your target market in the cost effective manner. Health and Beauty Industry of Bangladesh is a multi-billion dollar industry and you can earn lots of money from this industry if you come up with some unique and effective business idea.
Are you a Car Driver or simply love to drive cars? Then why not start a business of Taxi Services or Transportation Services in your city? Let me give you one example of a person (Entrepreneur) to whom I met in year 2012 during my Thailand Trip.

I was in Thailand for full 1 month and at that time I came in touch with this Entrepreneur. This person simply loved to drive luxurious cars. But how can he afford all the luxurious cars by doing a job or by simply becoming a car driver?

The Single Individual simply can’t afford all the luxurious cars. But well, of course the Business can afford as many cars as you want. So this person had started a business of Local Taxi Services in Luxurious cars for Thailand City.

He finds out 3 equity partners and they had bought a brand new limousine on down payment and started the local city tour services in Limousine car. Today his Business owns more than dozen luxurious cars.

He charge 25 dollar for 1 hour of city tour in luxurious car and believe me, this business really rocks.

So the moral of the story is that, you can start your own business as a car driver also. You just need a right mindset to start a business as a car driver. Everything is possible if you have passion to do something.

What most of the people argue is, starting a new business is risky. But well, this is really a false excuse. Starting and owning a Business is never risky. The only risky thing in this world is depending on the job security.

A Business will give you and your future generations the feeling of financial stability and comfort. So Start your own Business as a Car driver in Bangladesh and make huge fortunes.

An experienced businessman Mr. Mohammed Hanif is a renowned industrialist in the country. He has made remarkable contribution towards business and banking in bangladesh. The seasoned industrialist has a business career that extends over as long as 49 years. He is the Director of Hanif Steels ltd, Hanif Spinning Mills Ltd, National Foundry & engineering Works (Pvt) ltd and C.H Overseas Ltd.

Mr. Hanif is a Sponsor Director and one of the long serving Board Members of Dhaka Bank Ltd. He was elected the Vice Chairman of the Bank in april, 2008. He is associated with different socio-cultural activities.
If you have travelled through a Mumbai local train I would be surprised if you have not seen the ad “Make 30,000 online per month, sitting at home, no investment” if you read between the lines it’s honest about one thing. You can definitely make good money online, sitting at home but the investment required is your time, effort, patience and persistence. Entrepreneurship is a rage today, everyone wants to build the next big thing, the next billion dollar idea (Zuck, no we were not referring to you this time), but I remember when I was growing up and during college years all we as students cared about is how do we get more money for the next date, or the next weekend trip to Lonavla. No more blabbering, straight to the point, yes you can make a million rupees that too during college online.
  • Blog, come on, what were you expecting? I will tell you about some hidden treasure. Almost everyone has heard that you can make money off blogging but what are the key things to remember. Start a blog today, write at least 2-3 posts about a niche topic every week. Become an expert in it, remember you are not going to make any money for the next 6 months through blogging or maybe an year. Make a Facebook page to support the blog and Twitter, connect with other experts, ask them guest post on your blog. Read how this guy made a million dollars through a wordpress blog. Also writing practices your idea muscle, like I make a point to write something every week, here is this week’s work, what you are reading. There are few hacks too, a friend of mine bought top10fastest.com, and got to rank 2 when people were search for top 10 fastest cars, what next? 400$ in month two months of starting the blog and spending less than 2 hours on it. Head to blogger.com (for beginners I prefer this over WordPress and the Adsense account gets approved faster).
  • Youtube, if you were to tell me that you skip the pre roll ad on Youtube 100% of times I would beg to differ, come on sometimes we do watch the ad, when Katrina Kaif wants to teach us Aamsutra or the next trailer of the Salman Khan movie, and every time you watch that for more than thirty seconds the video channel owner makes money. Usually for every 1000 views you will end up making around 5$ if most of your views are from India. Here also figure out a niche, have an idea? execute. upload. take feedback then repeat. So we will be expecting more of “The Viral Fevers” and “Khan Academies” in India now. Patience and Persistence. And remember no money for first 12 months, but ship a video every 15 days.
  • iWriter.com, if you are not the one with Delayed Gratification and want to see hard cash instantly, head to iwriter.com right now, make sure you have a paypal account before you do that. Now iWriter is as easy as writing content for other people, or to be more precise other people’s blog, because all they want is more and more content on some keywords depending on their business. For starters you will get paid around 3$ for an article, as your progress and increase your ratings it increases to 15%. A friend of mine makes 30-40k per month through the the same. You know what’s another good idea, make a blog and use iwriter.com to generate content for that.
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  • Fiverr.com, are you that inspirational person who is always the one to give advice to your friends during hard times or breakups? Do you know you can actually make a lot of money doing that for a lot of people. She is definitely making http://www.fiverr.com/nogalicious/give-you-instant-relief-from-sadness-or-stress , convert your idiosyncrncies to money, be it your bathroom singing, or your being a grammar nazi, do that for other people and get paid every time.
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  • Self Publishing, forget million rupees, hit it right and you can make a million dollars through self publishing. If you are not the one with delayed gratification, forget about this. This requires most patience and persistence, your first book will never get you even more than 10,000 bucks that you publish on Amazon unless you have already published a hard copy. You have to keep writing, and build you brand. How to start? Take a set of your blog posts, write more on them and convert them into a collection of stories, then figure out the whole process of how the Kindle program works, market yourself, think of more ideas and repeat.
  • Airbnb, few months back I got chatting with Nalin Jha, how did I meet him? I had rented out his apartment for a day which he had put on Airbnb, it was a normal 1BHK in Hauz Khas, what would probably go for 30k per month. Guess how much was he making out of it? Over 1.2 Lakh a month. How? Airbnb. Have an extra apartment or even a room in your house? List it on Airbnb, it’s like renting out your space to travellers, for them it’s cheaper than a hotel, for you it’s more money than the normal rent. Your roommate is going to home next week for ten days? Time to make some hard cash ;) Figure out the technicalities though, if you are a tenant you might have to talk to the owner first. Btw Nalin’s place in Delhi is awesome.
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I am pretty sure you knew or had heard about most of the things, then what’s stopping you from executing it? It really works. And people who ask what are the baby steps to entrepreneurship, well here are they. But as everything in life, and I repeat again, Patience and Persistence is what you need.

This article has been originally published on Flat.to’s blog
For a long period of time, I am thinking of providing medical support for those people who can not afford. There are a lot of people who can not checkup due to financial crisis. As a result a little problem is becoming big and goes beyond his capacity as well as the problem is transforming more difficulties . For example, we have a part time maiden servant who can not walk properly. She got hart in her leg and she can not check up or  x-ray her leg due to lack of money. Now she is facing more problems. I felt sympathy for her and gave her financial support to x-ray. Now she is taking medical aid , but it is not enough. A lot of  cases like this are in the society. For one person it is not possible to solve this problem. But a combined efforts can solve a portion of this big problem. We need unity to serve the society.The purpose of writing this article is to find out the feed back of you.I think an one hour support of you can solve a big problems which is facing a lot of people every day. They can not enjoy the world. They feel that the world is cruel.  Your little contribution is big support of them. Every day we spent some our time without making any positive think. We can support them with expertise, time, money, direction. etc. If you think that the initiative is effective, then give me support via suggestion regarding the name of the job, procedure, technique, marketing plan, etc...

I think you will not reject the golden future of the helpless people.

Khondoker Monir Uddin is the Co-founder and the Managing Director of STS Group, Shanta Group and Shanta Properties Ltd in Bangladesh.He is also one of the admired Sponsor Directors who envisioned Dhaka Bank as a house of corporate excellence. To fulfill  various priority needs of the people, Mr. Monir pioneered in different services of international stature. Among such enterprises, prominent are Apollo Hospital Dhaka, the only US-JCI accredited hospital in Bangladesh. International School (IPS) in Dhaka and Delhi Public School (DPS) in Dhaka and other important cities across the country.

He is equally compassionate about social responsibility and contribution in philanthropic services for the underprivileged children and women. This apar, he has affiliation with a number of social groups, namely Dhaka Club Ltd, Uttara Club Ltd, and kurmitola Golf Club. He was born in Dkaha but his origin in Noakhali. He obtained B.Com (Hons) and M.com degree from the Department of Accounting, University of Dhaka. Having accomplished his academic feat, Mr. Monirser out his venture in business back in 1985. The succeeding years saw his scintillating entrepreneurship in diverse fields of business spanning ready made garments (RMG), real estate, chemicals, business equipment & machine supply, banking, health care, education and brokerage services etc.

Mr. Monir Uddin is a highly qualified, dynamic & experienced personality with his dominant entrepreneurial skill
Mr. Altaf Hossain Sarker is the CEO of Rahmat Group, a business conglomerate that includes maninly Rahmat Spinning Textiles Ltd, Belkuchi Spinning Mills ltd, Rahmat Spinning Mills ltd, Rahmat Plastic & Accessories Lts, and China Plastic (BD) ltd. He is a director of Express Insurance ltd. as well as Textile and Garments products under Rahmat group have captured an international market mainly in U.S., U.K., Switzerland, Spain, France, Hungary, Belgium and Italy.  Most importantly, many of his products have become a part of our everyday life being excellent items for clothing and adornment. In his early twenties, he started off as a businessman with an academic accomplishment of Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com). He was born in Sirajgonj.

Mr. Altaf Hossain Sarker is now a Director of Dhaka Bank. He is also a sponsor shareholder of the bank that began its banking operation in 1995. Earlier, he led the banks as Chairman for a certain term being elected in the 134 th Board Meeting held in April 2008. Besides, he has been reappointed Director of the Bank on several occasions at intervals duly complied.

his interest has an extra focus on education and social organization. He is a member Trustee of Independent University, Director of Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA). Mr. Sarker is a founder Member of Board of Trustee of Dhaka Bank Foundation. Besides, he is a regular sponsor to different social activities.
Mr. Abdul Hai Sarker has been elected as the new Chairman of Dhaka Bank Limited. He is also the founder
 Chairman and one of the long serving Board Members of the bank. Born in Muslim family of Sirajgonj District, Mr. Sarker accomplished his Post Graduation Degree  (M.Com) from the University of Dhaka in 1970. Soon he involved himself in international trade and business and eventually became a reputed industrialist in the country. His sincer effort and dynamic leadership culminated in a large business conglomerate in the name of Purbani Group. Mr Sarker is the former President of Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA), the former Vice Chairman of Bangladesh Association of Banks (BAB) and a former Director of Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCC). He is alsothe Founder Trustee of Independent University, Bangladesh Founder Member of the Board of Trustees of Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI)and Associate Director of International Cotton Association based in Liverpool, UK. Besides being a leading business personality, he has been playing a commendable role in social welfare and community development. Many organizations have awarded him for his outstanding contribution to the society. He has been accorded Commercially Important Person (CIP) status by the Government. 

Rahima Enterprise

Rahima enterprise is founded by Mr. Sujan who is now a millionaire . Before starting this venture, he sold mobile card from one place to another place by bicycle. In 2013, his turnover was 32 crore. He is very hard worker. He is the agent of several mobile companies like Bicash, Ucash, OK of one bank. He has seven or more employees who collect money by motor cycle. Do you imagine , from where he is? He lives in Noakhali. It is difficult to be a business man by selling mobile cards to customer. He could not finish his graduation. But he still is an enterpreneure. He started his venture at the very begging of his life. His age is  now around thirty. He is developing more ventures. He is exporting garments products in South Africa. His another venture is consumer product agents like Teer soyabin oil, Partex Beverage, Hoque Biscuits and so one. I am encouriging those who want start a business with low cost. I think agency business requires low investment. You can star with five lac or less capital. Some of readers of this blog sent email to me that how can i start i business with less capital. I suggest them to start this type of business. This business has some advantages. You can sell you product on cash. You need not advertisement cost. Because you are not selling your own product. The consumer is concerned about your agency's  product. At first, you have to select less branded product. Because you requires little money for security purpose. You have to go agent head office for agreement. I think for starting level, it is better choice. After developing you foundation, you can set up your portfolio. You have to be successful business man. You have no time to waste. So be careful for selecting your business field. It should be practical and reasonable business, not emotional basis. So best of luck.  
 The Internet Business also known as a Web Business. If you are a doctor than according to me, you are one of the most intelligent people in this world. Your Intellectual level is too good if you are a doctor. Now, this means a great Money Making Opportunity on the Internet.
This is because the Internet is all about creating the Valuable Content on it. And as a doctor, you can create large volume of content on the Internet in any Health Care Niche. There are several Health Care Niches in which you can start your Internet Business. You can simply site a Blog or simply the Information website on any Niche and make Money from it. Here are the Niches.
- Pregnancy Tips
- Child Care
- Obesity & Weight Loss
- Cancer
- Smoking
- Heart Diseases
- Diabetes
- Fitness
- Yoga
- Asthma
- And many more Health Care Topics
You can start providing the Information about any one or more of the above Niches on your Blog or a Website. Google AdSense is the Best software for the Content Websites. Just put the AdSense code on your blog or a website and start making money.

A Blog or a Website is your Business because you have to put the one time efforts and hard work to create a great Blog or a Website. Once you develop a Sufficient content on your Blog or a Website, your job is over. It will automatically bring the search engine traffic on it and generate money for you.