Online Jobs in Bangladesh for Students
Internet has changed the capitalism of the world. Now, because of the internet, you can work online even while you studying in your college.
Well, Yes. No matter in which part of Bangladesh you are studying but you can do a job online while taking the college education and generate a part time income.
There are several kinds of online jobs available in Bangladesh. The main advantage of the online jobs is that, you can work from anywhere in the world for anyone around the world.
There are several varieties of Online jobs available such as freelancing work, data entry jobs, content writing jobs, forum monitoring and many other types of jobs.
If you have some specialized skill such as programming and web designing than the sky is the limit for you. Websites like Freelance.com and Elance.com can provide you excellent work opportunities.
In fact, many smart students in Bangladesh do the part time jobs and earn good amount of money every month from which they can easily cop-up their expenses.
Just think that you don’t have to depend on your parents’ pocket money in your college life.
However, keep in mind that there are several online jobs frauds also in Bangladesh so beware of them. If somebody asks you for money to give you an online job than simply it’s a fraud and don’t participate in it or give your money.
This is because an employer can never ask you for money to give you a job. Many people are cheated by such kind of online frauds.
But well, there are reputed websites also where you can find a good online work such as Elance.com and Freelancer.com.
So what are you waiting for? Start your own online job right now while studying and make some extra money.

How to Make Money in Bangladesh 
Since I have started a personal finance blog, people are asking me this question. In fact, I receive this query several times a week from readers across the entire Bangladesh.
In this article, I will show you the various ways to make money in Bangladesh. You can classify money making idea into various types. I have personally made two classifications of ways to make money in Bangladesh.
Classification: 1 Make money in Bangladesh
01) Online money making ideas
02) Offline money making ideas
Classification: 2 Make money in Bangladesh
01) Ways to work hard to earn money
a) Employment (Job Income / Salary / Paycheck)
b) Self-employment (Doctors, lawyers or any other profession)
02) Ways to make your money work for you to generate more money
a) Businesses
b) Investments
I personally prefer the second classification. This is because it is broad and can apply for both the online and offline world.
In fact, the second classification is the broad classification and we can see all the 4 types of people in our economy. Nothing is good or bad. You will have to find out that by which way you want to make money?
First is the ways to make money by working hard – Employment and Self-employment. I mean the first and commonest way of making money online or offline is, you either find a job and work for someone else and earn paycheck or you become some kind of expert (Doctor, lawyer, freelance writer, actor, website designer, artist..etc..) and start providing some kind of service and earn money by becoming a professional person.
The only problem with making money like this is, the tax laws don’t favour employees and self-employees. You will have to pay big amount of tax every year (As high as 35%) to the government.
Second is the ways to make money by making your money work hard for you – Business & Investments. Here you invest your money and people work for you in that business and earn more money. I personally like this way of making money. You can invest your money in assets like Businesses, gold, stocks, mutual funds, art, bonds, web properties, intellectual properties and many other assets.
The main advantage of this way is that, the tax laws favour this group of people. Investors and Business owners of any country pay the least tax while employees and self-employees pay the highest taxes. This way also applies in the online world also.
Means in the online world also you can either start your online business or do the online investments in the web properties like domain names, websites and blogs.
Starting your own business in the online and offline world is risky but well, its worth it. Because once your business will developed, it will run and grow even without your presence. So the above are the all the possible ways to make money in Bangladesh. Now, you have to chose that by which way you want to make money?

Beauty and Healthcare Business Ideas Bangladesh
There is a huge business opportunity in Beauty and Healthcare field in Bangladesh. This is because day by day people are becoming more and more beauty and health conscious in Bangladesh.
There are several types of businesses that you can start in this space starting from Ayurvedic Massage to multispecialty hospital.
The possibilities are endless. If you want to start your own business in Beauty and Healthcare sector of Bangladesh than first of all identify and analyze the need of your target market.
The first step is to identify needs of people. Here are the few beauty and health care needs of people.
- Weight Loss
- Acne
- Fitness
- Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis
- Cosmetic
- Pregnancy and Child Birth
The above are just the few examples of needs. There are literally hundreds of needs in this niche. Now, chose one need. Just ask yourself that which is the need that you can fulfill very well and effectively?
And Start a Business to fulfill that need of your market.
Find out your cutting edge. I mean find out that which is your strongest point that can fulfill this need of the market very effectively? And work on your that strength.
Say For Example, if you are a Massage expert than start your own Spa or Massage center. If you are a fitness trainer then start your own health club. If you are a doctor then start your own specialty clinic.
The key is to identify the need of your market and reach to your target market in the cost effective manner. Health and Beauty Industry of Bangladesh is a multi-billion dollar industry and you can earn lots of money from this industry if you come up with some unique and effective business idea.
Are you a Car Driver or simply love to drive cars? Then why not start a business of Taxi Services or Transportation Services in your city? Let me give you one example of a person (Entrepreneur) to whom I met in year 2012 during my Thailand Trip.

I was in Thailand for full 1 month and at that time I came in touch with this Entrepreneur. This person simply loved to drive luxurious cars. But how can he afford all the luxurious cars by doing a job or by simply becoming a car driver?

The Single Individual simply can’t afford all the luxurious cars. But well, of course the Business can afford as many cars as you want. So this person had started a business of Local Taxi Services in Luxurious cars for Thailand City.

He finds out 3 equity partners and they had bought a brand new limousine on down payment and started the local city tour services in Limousine car. Today his Business owns more than dozen luxurious cars.

He charge 25 dollar for 1 hour of city tour in luxurious car and believe me, this business really rocks.

So the moral of the story is that, you can start your own business as a car driver also. You just need a right mindset to start a business as a car driver. Everything is possible if you have passion to do something.

What most of the people argue is, starting a new business is risky. But well, this is really a false excuse. Starting and owning a Business is never risky. The only risky thing in this world is depending on the job security.

A Business will give you and your future generations the feeling of financial stability and comfort. So Start your own Business as a Car driver in Bangladesh and make huge fortunes.

An experienced businessman Mr. Mohammed Hanif is a renowned industrialist in the country. He has made remarkable contribution towards business and banking in bangladesh. The seasoned industrialist has a business career that extends over as long as 49 years. He is the Director of Hanif Steels ltd, Hanif Spinning Mills Ltd, National Foundry & engineering Works (Pvt) ltd and C.H Overseas Ltd.

Mr. Hanif is a Sponsor Director and one of the long serving Board Members of Dhaka Bank Ltd. He was elected the Vice Chairman of the Bank in april, 2008. He is associated with different socio-cultural activities.