Arshad Jamal (Dipu), Chairman of Tusuka Group was born in the year 1968. He was meritorious and bright since his boyhood. He completed Honors' and MBA(Finance) from IBA( Institute of Business Administration ) of Dhaka University in the year 1992, before that he studied in the BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) for 3 years. Afterwards he also earned MDS (Master of Development Studies) from BRAC University and finished MDP Course from Columbia University (USA) in the year 2008.

Mr. Jamal started Buying House business while he was a student of Dhaka University. His hard work and perseverance started to bring success one after another in the business. He established Tusuka Fashions Ltd, first manufacturing unit in this group in the year 2000. Now Tusuka Jeans Ltd, Tusuka Trousers Ltd, Tusuka Processing Ltd and Tusuka Apparels Ltd are the successful units in this process. Not only in Garments sector he also entered into the International Telecom business with NovoTel Ltd, milestone success for him.

NovoTel is one of the IGW Company that got the license from the BTRC through an open bid in the year 2007. All his business units are well managed with high level of professionalism; his wise, judicious and well-composed directives are the key success factors in this regard. He also started chartered operation of China Southern Airlines in the year 2008.
In 2013 he entered in Air Transport business, with a private passenger airlines as Novo Air, which is serving domestic routes in Bangladesh with an immediate intention for regional connectivity
He was the successful Chairman of the Foreign Mission Cell of BGMEA and visited US Congress, Senate and State Department as an active member of the BGMEA Lobbing Team in the year 2006 and 2010 to facilitate the Duty Free Access in the USA market. He also attended WTO conference at Geneva as BGMEA representative in the year 2009. In the year 2010 he worked as representative from Commerce ministry to facilitate the Duty Free Access in the Indian market. He also accompanied Prime Minister during her visit to Japan and India.
For consecutive three terms, he was elected as board member of Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) . As Director in Research and Policy matters, he was the facilitator between GOB (Commerce Ministry) and BGMEA in GSP issue.
He was also declared CIP (Commercially Important Person) by The Government of Bangladesh for the year 2008, 2010, 2011. His father Late Mustafa Jamal was the high level Government Officer; he served different ministry with his honesty, sincerity and professionalism.

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